Thursday, June 14, 2012

Calendar Updates

I have updated the calendar with the firm dates set for the rest of the summer activities through August. I am starting to plan the next school year, so things around the blog will be changing in the next month! Please refer to this calendar post through the camping trip!

September 26th Meeting:  My Troop, Teamwork (not finished)

October 24th Meeting: Etiquette

November 12, 2011: Campfire Jamboree: Fire Safety, Fire Building, Outdoor Cooking

November 28th Meeting: Pet Care, Gentleness (Todd Mattson care package)

December 5th: Setting up our Christmas Tree after school, also making a poster, and gift wrapping two boxes for under. Also making collection boxes for Box Tops, our school service project.

December 19th Meeting: Holiday Badge, Joy. Christopher Salinas care package.

January 23rd Meeting: Take the Lead, Responsibility, finish Teamwork.

January 29th: Pancake Breakfast @ Legion Hall

February 24th: Movie Night to cut and sort box tops and soup labels.

February 27th Meeting: Paper Crafting, Love. Henggeler Care Package
Will hand out vests, and awards earned so far.

March 26th Meeting: finish Paper Crafting & Love badges. Platoon Care Package

March 31, 2012: 1-4pm Mozingo Nature Trail Outing: Hiking, Peace 

April 23rd Meeting: Flower Gardening, Patience; Community Service Project: Flowers at Park

May 7th Meeting: Paleontology, Geology - Field trip to NWMSU

June 9, 2012: Life Skills Day; will have stations set up to earn different Life Skills, from 2-5pm at my house. We will also earn the Self-Control badge.

July 21, 2012: Nodaway County Fair Parade~ walk with flags.

4th of July: Stanberry 4th of July Parade. Parades badge. Will meet the 3rd from 3-5 at my house to prepare. Meet in Stanberry, in front of the school at 9AM. ~Ride on float.

August 3-4: Overnight Camping Trip at Indian Cave State Park in Nebraska: Camping, Faithfulness, finish hiking, Orienting, Native Americans Cultures, Friendship, maybe a few others. We will also have our Year End Ceremony, and hand out level pins, awards earned, and have level up ceremonies. We will also plan Fundraisers and the Lollipop Parade/Parish Social/Next School Year. We will also pick new leadership positions, and new patrols will be made.

August 19: Pancake Breakfast with Raffle & Bake Sale.

August 25:  Lollipop Parade~walk with us, or walk with another group in support of. Parish Social Fundraiser.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Exciting News!

I talked to Shiela Trautz yesterday, and we have been penciled in for a Pancake Breakfast on August 19th. I really like this date.. first Sunday after school starts, Sunday before the Parish Social, and only breakfast in August! This is great news to be starting the school year with funds for activities. 

I would like for us to run a bake sale and/or have some other kind of raffle/silent auction going on at the front table, maybe both.

Also, on the Frontier Girls website, they know have up and running an alphabetical list of all badges, simply click on the badge you are interested in, and the requirements pop up in a separate window. You must me logged into your account as a member, and it is under the Files heading.

I will have the camping supply lists ready to hand out at Life Skills Day Saturday!