
Seeing the Indian Cave drawings; and learning how awful graffiti is!

Leading our community in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Our first camping trip!

Our Awards Ceremony

Our first Bridging Ceremony~ We did the Compass Ceremony at the end of our Camping Trip

Our Town's Parade

4th of July 2012
Badge Work

The Girls ~ April 2012

Nature Hike ~ March 2012

Our Bake Sale

Learning Animal Safety, being trees when approached by strays!
Playing balloon tag to choose Patrols. Patrol names were written on the balloons, the balloon you caught is the Patrol your on.
Our Investiture Ceremony (It was pajama day at school!)

Hosting a Free-Throw Booth at the Town Social


Serving at the Legion Post Banquet
Putting Mass Response sheets in the pews at church.