Seeing the Indian Cave drawings; and learning how awful graffiti is! |
Leading our community in the Pledge of Allegiance. |
Our first camping trip! |
Our Awards Ceremony |
Our first Bridging Ceremony~ We did the Compass Ceremony at the end of our Camping Trip |
Our Town's Parade |
4th of July 2012 |
Badge Work |
The Girls ~ April 2012 |
Nature Hike ~ March 2012 |
Flags |
Our Bake Sale |
Learning Animal Safety, being trees when approached by strays! |
Playing balloon tag to choose Patrols. Patrol names were written on the balloons, the balloon you caught is the Patrol your on. |
Our Investiture Ceremony (It was pajama day at school!) |
Hosting a Free-Throw Booth at the Town Social |
Cheerleading |
Advertising! |
Serving at the Legion Post Banquet |
Putting Mass Response sheets in the pews at church. |