September Meeting Reminders:
We gave each other a challenge. I did not know the significance of the Liberty Bell and it's history, so we made a deal that every girl who brings information about the Liberty Bell to the October meeting will receive three cookies!
Also, requirements for the Butterfly level girls are one more than the rest, so this extra requirement will be homework for them. So there is not a crunch period, in February, to get the Award finished, here is an assignment that I recommend they have ready for October's meeting: Read the Bill of Rights and re-write it in your own words. What does it mean to you, for you?
October Frontier Girls Newsletter Highlights
Contest -November Contest – Our American Eagle has yet again hidden himself somewhere in our website. Everyone who finds the correct page that the eagle is located on will be put into a drawing to win $5 for their level. Help us improve our search engine ratings by clicking on as many pages as possible until you find the eagle seen below. Then email with your name, level, and mailing address along with which page you found the eagle on to be entered in the drawing. Very few girls are currently entering this contest, so you odds of winning are quite good!

New Badges - Popcorn, Food Presentation, Sportsmanship, Crochet & Statue of Liberty.
My post about the Make A Difference Award and Servant Hours also made the newsletter! Please check it out below, I am anxious for girls to get started on projects, not only so they can earn this prestigious award, but that we can be seen more in the community.
Girl of the Month
Each month Kerry likes to highlight a Frontier Girl who is working on something special or who goes above and beyond. So I will be on the lookout for someone to nominate!
There was a cute Emergency Campfire Kit shown. A decoupaged box with S'mores ingredients.
We gave each other a challenge. I did not know the significance of the Liberty Bell and it's history, so we made a deal that every girl who brings information about the Liberty Bell to the October meeting will receive three cookies!
Also, requirements for the Butterfly level girls are one more than the rest, so this extra requirement will be homework for them. So there is not a crunch period, in February, to get the Award finished, here is an assignment that I recommend they have ready for October's meeting: Read the Bill of Rights and re-write it in your own words. What does it mean to you, for you?
October Frontier Girls Newsletter Highlights
Contest -November Contest – Our American Eagle has yet again hidden himself somewhere in our website. Everyone who finds the correct page that the eagle is located on will be put into a drawing to win $5 for their level. Help us improve our search engine ratings by clicking on as many pages as possible until you find the eagle seen below. Then email with your name, level, and mailing address along with which page you found the eagle on to be entered in the drawing. Very few girls are currently entering this contest, so you odds of winning are quite good!

New Badges - Popcorn, Food Presentation, Sportsmanship, Crochet & Statue of Liberty.
My post about the Make A Difference Award and Servant Hours also made the newsletter! Please check it out below, I am anxious for girls to get started on projects, not only so they can earn this prestigious award, but that we can be seen more in the community.
Girl of the Month
Each month Kerry likes to highlight a Frontier Girl who is working on something special or who goes above and beyond. So I will be on the lookout for someone to nominate!
There was a cute Emergency Campfire Kit shown. A decoupaged box with S'mores ingredients.
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