Award Requirements

Awards can be earned once per level, which means you have up to three years to earn them! 
Claire, Emma, Jaclyn, Nathalie & Vanessa will level up August of 2015.

Megan will level up August of 2016.

The Fruit of the Spirit Award

Earn the following badges on your level. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Self-Control. These are the character traits listed in the Frontier Girls Creed.

Life Skills Award

Here is a link to the spreadsheet of requirements. Life Skills. I am bundling a few requirements into each of our Challenges, also on our Life Skills Day I will set up stations around the house and yard that they can go to to learn the items. I am also checking some off by observation.

Servants Heart Award

This is a heart shaped pin that is earned for service hours completed, depending on level. Otters, every 5 hours; Dolphins every 10 hours; Butterflies every 15 hours; Eagles every 20 hours.

Make a Difference Award
This award is earned for carrying out your own community service project. From planning, organizing to finishing the task should take: Otters, 3-5 hours; Dolphins, 5-10 hours; Butterflies, 10-15 hours; Eagles, 15-20 hours. When you are ready to start, I have a planning worksheet to help you!

Ideas are: Clean up trash in a park, parking lot, or other outdoor area. I don't want Otters along the side of the road. Weed an overgrown garden or other area, collecting items, or money for a charity, volunteering to host an event at a nursing home, animal shelter, library or other helpful community place or charity, organize a caroling event, or decorate a place for a holiday, host a story time, safety presentation, or sports event for younger children.

Leadership Award

This award takes you further into learning to be a leader for your community. Requirements are:
  1. Earn the Make a Difference Award at your level
  2. Earn the Take the Lead badge at your level
  3. Hold a Leadership Position
  4. Memorize the Frontier Girls Motto, Promise & Creed
  5. Earn 3 character badges that traits of a good leader such as, responsibility, teamwork, diligence, honesty, patience, charity, compassion, courage, dependability, etc.

WOW Award
Earn 100 badges at your level.

Liberty Award

Learning more about and taking pride in your country. Earn the following badges at your level.
  1. U.S. Constitution
  2. American History
  3. Elections
  4. Government
  5. Patriotism

Majoring in an Area of Discovery
For Butterfly and Eagle levels only. This Award is for learning more about a subject or profession that you are interested in. Requirements are:
  1. Complete 6 badges in your Area of Discovery
  2. Perform a minimum of 6 hours service hours in your area
  3. Shadow someone for a day that works in the area

Gem Awards

This is the highest award you can earn. It is for going above and beyond attending meetings and events. This can be earned at each level. Requirements are; for each level:
  1. Earn one badge from each area of Discovery
  2. Earn at least one Servants Heart for each year of membership
  3. Earn the Make a Difference Award
  4. Earn the Life Skills Award
  5. Earn the Liberty Award
  6. Earn the Fruit of the Spirit Award
  7. Earn the Leadership Award

Super Troop Award

The Super Troop Award recognizes Troops and Pioneers who show a level of excellence by participating fully in all elements of the Frontier Girls program.

  1. Make sure the troop and girls are registered for the entire program year.
  2. All leaders and volunteers must pass the volunteer training test prior to meetings or activities.
  3. All health and safety policies are used and enforced.
  4. Have at least one parent/daughter event.
  5. Participate in at least three Ceremonies: Flag, Investiture/Re-dedication, Advancement, Award. 
  6. Earn the following badges at least every three years: Our Flag, Emergency Preparedness, Etiquette
  7. Participate in at least three community service projects.
  8. Complete & submit the annual End of Year Report No later than Aug. 31
  9. Learn or review the promise, motto & creed.
  10. Do at least three outdoor activities
  11. Earn at least 6 badges as a troop from at least 4 different areas of discovery.
  12. Earn at least one character badge each year.
  13. Participate in at least one "public" activity un uniform.
  14. All girls at Dolphin level or above can sew on their own patches and ribbons.

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