Monday, April 2, 2012

March 2012 Meeting

At the March meeting, we finished the Love and Paper Crafting badges. Be sure to look at your daughters books! We got 2 new Frontier Girls, Kali and Brylie, they are a wonderful new addition to the troop!

We handed out the Service Hearts that I found. They should probably be hot glued or super glued onto their vest, they go ON the ribbon. Otters earn one heart for every 5 hours, Dolphins earn a heart for every 10 hours. Hour ideas for April are to get outside and help. Pick up trash at a park or trail, help a neighbor clean up their yard or house to get ready for spring. 

We also have a troop stationed in Afghanistan to send a care package to. The Platoon leader has suggested summer items, including water balloons, games, balls, snack items (no chocolate), and small American flags. I will bring some flags to the April meeting, and we will fold these into triangles for them to carry in their pockets. They also would like a card and/or picture from us so they can get to know us. They also suggested writing materials so they can write us thank you notes. We will put this together at the April meeting, so please send your items with your daughter then. 

Also for our April meeting. We will be planting our flowers in the park in Conception, I will need help transporting girls, and pick up will be at the park at 5pm. I have the grant from the Community Betterment Committee for $30. I plan on buying a few perennials, and annuals, and maybe some mulch to help with week control this year. I will have a weeding and watering schedule then. Please bring a trowel or spoon or weeder to help us with the planting. 

Frontier Girl Challenge for March/April is to make a sandwich by yourself including cleanup.

Megan is in charge of snacks for the April meeting.

We are planning a Pampered Chef catalog party fundraiser for April 23-May 7th. Simply take orders from family and friends, no real door to door selling is needed! The girls will get a percentage of the total order sum. We need funds for the parades this summer, and for our camping trip in August.

Our May 7th meeting will be our annual field trip. We will be touring the Rock and Fossil museum, and labs at the Northwest Missouri State University Geology/Geography Department. I will need help with transportation. I plan on returning to the school by 5:30pm, no later then 6pm.

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