Our flower garden looks fantastic! The girls did such a great job! We even planted some bulbs in the other flower bed at the park. I handed out water schedules, please keep these in a special place by your calendar, lets not let our beautiful flowers get weeded out! We also earned the Patience badge. Their homework is to set their favorite snack in front of them ready to eat, then set a timer and wait (PATIENTLY!) for 15 minutes before having it!
Our next meeting is May 7, and we will be going on a field trip to the geology/geography department at NWMSU. I do need an extra driver! Brylie and Kali are in charge of snacks for the trip. Please make it something that can be eaten on the road.
The Pampered Chef catalog party ends May 7th also. Please ask family and friends if they are interested. Also there is a way to place an online order through Laura's Pampered Chef consultant sight. This is a great outlet for family that is far, as orders can be shipped directly to them!
Our camping trip date has been set!! July 27-28th. We will be going to Indian Cave National Park in Nebraska. It is about 15 miles across the boarder on Highway 136. We will be camping in tents, hiking trails, seeing real cave drawings, a butterfly field, and there is also a museum to tour. I will post next month a detailed camping supply list that each family will need to supply. If you do not own a tent, please ask to borrow one from family/friends first, before buying.
I will be sending out letters with homework assignments that need to be turned in by the Camping Trip. Remember, I already have the badges, jut turn in the paperwork, and it is yours!