The girls had a great time at the meeting last night. We earned the Pet Care, and Gentleness badges. Professional dog trainer/breeder Elaine Wallace came and gave us a demonstration with her certified pal Gezel! She taught us what a trained dog is capable of, animal safety, and also talked about animal cruelty. Then we got to see her in action teaching a six month old puppy, GiGi how to sit, and even got her to lay down! She left us presents of coloring books, and a safety booklet that the girls loved so much they were all starting on them before the meeting ended! We talked about what gentleness means, how to show gentleness in different ways, and even read a few verses from the Bible about how God needs us to be gentle with each other, and ways to show gentleness. We also made a poster about the importance of being gentle with animals! We also put together our care package to send to serviceman Todd Mattson who is serving on the USS Washington. We also made thank you cards for Ms. Wallace, and for Grandma Guerin who bought us our Christmas tree, and also purchased the tall flags and flag poles for the girls.
The girls have the homework assignment to be the primary caretaker of a pet for 2 weeks. Also, Dolphins need to write me an essay, or poem about what gentleness means to them, this will be due at the December meeting.
Remington is in charge of bringing snacks to the next meeting.
Congratulations to Claire for earning her first Servant's Heart of the Year!
Congratulations to Emma, Jaclyn & Nathalie for earning their second Service Hearts of the Year!
Congratulations to Claire for earning her first Servant's Heart of the Year!
Congratulations to Emma, Jaclyn & Nathalie for earning their second Service Hearts of the Year!
Business discussed:
Christmas Tree: For our December service hours, we will have a Christmas tree display at school to collect hats, gloves, scarves, mittens. Monday, December 5th we will stay after school to set it up. We should be done by 4pm. Then we will all take them to charity on the 22nd, and also take down our tree that day after school.
Needs: We need at least 11 large glass baby food jars with the screw top lids, and also broken, and small pieces of crayons for our December meeting. We will not be having a gift exchange this year, instead we will be making gifts!
Pancake Breakfast: Our Pancake Breakfast will be held on January 29, 2012.
Serviceman Chris Salinas care package will be put together at the December meeting. Please bring non-perishable snack items, or new hygiene items, or stationary for him.
***Frontier Girl Challenge***
Do at least one of the following:
1. Sort, wash, dry, fold, and put away one load of laundry.
2. Hand wash, dry, and put away a sink of dishes.
3. Empty and load the dishwasher.
4. Clean a toilet.