Frontier Girls is a scouting organization that was established in 2007 by Kerry Cordy, as an alternative to the Girl Scouts. Frontier Girls takes girls back to the original intent of scouting, and focuses on building character, community service, and patriotism. We are troop #146 located in NW Missouri. We began in September of 2011, and are 10 girls strong.
Frontier Girls Motto
If you see a need, take the lead!
Frontier Girls Promise
I promise to love God,
Be loyal to my country,
and to love my neighbor as myself.
Frontier Girls Creed
As a Frontier Girl
I will be Loving, treating others as I would like to be treated.
I will be Joyful, finding the blessings in every situation.
I will be Peaceful, respecting others opinions and beliefs.
I will be Patient, persevering toward my goals despite obstacles.
I will be Kind, respectful to all and willing to help others at all times.
I will be Good, pure in all I do, think, and say.
I will be Faithful to my God and loyal to my family, friends, and country.
I will be Gentle, taking special care of those weaker or less fortunate than I.
I will have Self-Control, using my time, materials, and talents wisely, and being accountable for my own actions.
If this sounds like what you have been looking for.. explore the links below, and join us!
Frontier Girls Motto
If you see a need, take the lead!
Frontier Girls Promise
I promise to love God,
Be loyal to my country,
and to love my neighbor as myself.
Frontier Girls Creed
As a Frontier Girl
I will be Loving, treating others as I would like to be treated.
I will be Joyful, finding the blessings in every situation.
I will be Peaceful, respecting others opinions and beliefs.
I will be Patient, persevering toward my goals despite obstacles.
I will be Kind, respectful to all and willing to help others at all times.
I will be Good, pure in all I do, think, and say.
I will be Faithful to my God and loyal to my family, friends, and country.
I will be Gentle, taking special care of those weaker or less fortunate than I.
I will have Self-Control, using my time, materials, and talents wisely, and being accountable for my own actions.
If this sounds like what you have been looking for.. explore the links below, and join us!
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