Monday, February 27, 2012

February Meeting

What a meeting we had today!! We spent at least 30 minutes going over business. I passed out all the badges that have been earned so far, along with all the items that go on their vests. Remember that families are responsible for buying their own vests. They run small, so buy big, and remember they keep the same vest till they outgrow it, so buy a little bigger still! The girls have $50 left in their account. I spent just over $300 getting all the badges, and troop numerals. I spent $30 at Wal-Mart getting supplies to make the other pieces for the vests, and paper, ink, and a binder to print out badges. I have about half the badges printed out, I will need another ink cartridge to finish! We spent $57 on pizza for movie night. The $50 should get us through the end of the school year, between badge supplies and flowers. We will need to have another fundraiser before the parades start. I am thinking about a Pampered Chef catalog party, I will talk with Laura about it this week.

We were all sad to learn that we are loosing one of our members. Krysta has decided to step down as a Frontier Girl. We all wish her luck on her future endeavors.

Today we worked on the Paper Crafting and the Love badges. We read about the history of paper, and we are working on Love scrapbooks. They are 6 pages. Page 1 is titled God knows I love Him because.. Page 2 is titled People know I love them because.. Page 3 is titled I Love Me! Page 4 is titled I love my country by.. Pages 5 & 6 will be a collage showing different scenes of showing love. We have not finished these, and the girls decided that they would rather finish them at the March meeting instead of as homework. We also had lots of fun learning how to make paper chains, tissue paper roses, and how to do quilling (a technique of rolling strips of paper tightly then flaring them out into designs). We are using these techniques to decorate our Love books. Hopefully at the March meeting we will be able to finish these and at least start the Health & Fitness badge. We also got caught up on some much needed Thank You notes that we owed people throughout the community!

Frontier Girl Challenge for March: To go over fire safety with your family, to create a meeting spot outside in case of fire, and to check your smoke alarms.

Service Heart Hour Ideas for March: help a neighbor get ready for spring! Help clean out a garden bed, wash windows, pick up fallen debris from their yard. Serve, song lead, usher or in some way help during a church service. Read to some younger kids for Dr. Seuss' Birthday.

Congratulations to Emma for earning her 3rd Service Heart!

Remington is in charge of snacks for the March meeting.

Remember that we have Tall Flags practice on March 6th till 4 pm; don't forget your flag!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Frontier Girl Contest for February

Frontier Girl Contest: This month’s contest is an essay about your favorite Frontier Girl Memory. There will be a winner at each age level who will receive $5. Please e-mail your essay’s to Kerry Cordy with the subject Essay Contest at by February 29th .

Also, I am in desperate need of photos from our events! If anyone has pictures from the Campfire Jamboree, or the Basketball game, please e-mail them to me, or tag me in them on Facebook! Thanks so much!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Uniforms, Awards & Service Hours

The girls did not raise enough money for the troop to buy the vests. The troop will buy all the pieces for the vests, but each family will need to purchase their own vests, they are 14.99 each, plus shipping, through the Frontier Girls Store . If you would like I can order all the vests, and then be paid back so that we can split one shipping cost. Let me know what you would like. Frontier Girls say the vests run small, and keep in mind that they keep their vests even when they level up, as long as they fit, so order as big as you dare! Hopefully the next time we needs vests, it wont be that big a deal for the troop to order them. 

The girls also did not have an extra $100 for the level pins (silver animal shaped pins that fit on the level tab to indicate their rank in the troop). With six of the girls leveling up in August anyway, lets just wait, and present them at the camp out awards ceremony. They also sell puzzle piece shaped pins that each represent one of the leadership positions within the troop, these are also $10 a piece, I would eventually like to purchase these, and then just move them from girl to girl as we change positions each year. All other awards such as the Life Skills, Make A Difference, Liberty, etc. are also $10 each. We will need to have another Fundraiser some time this summer to help purchase these, along with funding our camp out. Please help start thinking of ideas! 

The girls are all doing such a great job earning their Service Hearts! These are $4 each from the F.G. Store. Another Mom has suggested that we might be able to find these cheaper somewhere else, so now I am on a mission! 

Some Service Hours ideas for February are to bake some goodies for the Holiday Cheer plates that St. Columba Church will be donating on February 12th. Or you can make something to donate to a nursing home!