Sorry this is so late in posting! Things have been crazy with Holidays, birthdays, basketball games, and I have a final exam I am trying to study for also!
We had a very productive meeting! We earned the U.S. Hisotry Badge by outlining the original 13 colonies on a map of United States, then we had to label the state capitols on the map. For those that did not finish this, I need it completed by January! Butterflies are also supposed to label a few National Parks, please turn these in at the Decemeber meeting, January Meeting latest! We also made a timeline of American History with the starting point being the American Revolution and the Ending Point being the Afghanistan War. We also put in lots of little facts about Civil Rights, inventions, College founding, American Indian laws, etc. This was a little challenging, but once finished, gave us some good insights! Such as the fact that it took us 100 years to start obeying the Civil Rights Laws that were enacting at the end of the Civil War! We also talked about famous American inventors and what they invented; and we also talked about the relationship between the American settlers and the Native Americans, and we learned what the Reservations are, why there were established, and the fact that they still exist baffled the girls!
We also finished the U.S. Consitiution Badge with these requirements, and also our collections and mailing of the donations to the service men counted as a requirement for the Patriotism badge that we also started at the meeting. We learned about the 4 branches of the military and what their duties were, we made little flip books to help us.
We will be taking December off of the Liberty Award and will earn the Gingerbread badge, and the Edible Art badge. I am really looking forward to this! It should be great fun! As I said in the newsletter, I could really use some extra eyes to suppervise, and hands to be in different places at the same time. We will be mixing the ingredients and baking gingerbread men cookies, and building gingerbread houses. I plan on buying a couple of the house kits from Wal-Mart, then having them all build them together. I also ordered, off Oriental Trading, some take home bags that they can decorate with sticker foamies into gingerbread houses, and also foam gingerbread men ornaments to make. I will arrive early and have "stations" set up, then they can move through as groups, once we work together to mix the gingerbread batter, so we can get that baking.
I plan on finishing the Liberty Award at the January meeting; and holding a small Awards Ceremony at the end of the meeting, approximately 4:45! Parents and anyone else that wants to come and invited, the girls have really worked hard to earn this Award, and they deserve the recognition! At the Ceremony I will hand out all the badges that we have earned so far with the Liberty Award, but also the Fairy, Gingerbread, and Edible Art ones, and also for those who have earned Service Hearts, these will be handed out then as well. All homework will need to be turned in no later then the January meeting for me to be able to hand you that badge, and if you are short any of the main badges (Elections, Patriotism, Government, Constitution, History) I can NOT hand you the Liberty Award till it is turned in.
Homework Assignments are:
Otters: (Brylie & Kali) you will need to do the History badge, and make the serviceman booklets. I will give this to Rachel and she will help you. Turn in your work by the January meeting. Hope you had fun at the party!
Dolphins: (Nat, Claire, Jaclyn, Megan) finish filling in your state capitols on your map.
Butterflies: (Emma & Vanessa) 1. finish filling in your state capitols on your map, along with 5 National Parks. 2. A paragraph on what the requirements are to be Presidents, why do you think these are in place, and would you change any?
A change is coming to Frontier Girls!!
During our Elections Badge, the girls voted to have more meetings a month. I proposed to them various ideas of what these meetings could entail, and being the Democracy! that we are, we are adding a second meeting a month starting in January, however, your involvement in this meeting with be varied! The second meeting of the month will be an age level specific meeting!
I will add these dates to the calendar as I tie them down, but our first one will be January 14th, and will be an OTTER meeting, LED BY THE DOLPHINS! This will give the Otters a chance to be the center of attention, and the Dolphins, my middle aged group, the chance to be the leaders! The Dolpins will help the Otters to earn the My Troop Badge and Kindness Badge.
The February Special Meeting will be just for Dolphins.
There will not be a March one, since we will have an outside event, see below.
The April Special Meeting will be just for Butterflies.
There will not be a May one since school will be out!
Horse UpDate
I have talked to Lisa McCrary, and she was really enthusiastic and willing to help us earn the Horse badges. She has agreed to let us spend a Saturday with her family, and her horses and to learn all about them, and even maybe ride them. Kevin has also been in contact with a guy in Eagleville who holds horse day camps for troops to come and learn about horses, go horseback riding, and then watch a horse stunt back riding show at the end. I will keep all updated. I am going to try to plan something for early March so it doesn't interfere with Easter.
We had a very productive meeting! We earned the U.S. Hisotry Badge by outlining the original 13 colonies on a map of United States, then we had to label the state capitols on the map. For those that did not finish this, I need it completed by January! Butterflies are also supposed to label a few National Parks, please turn these in at the Decemeber meeting, January Meeting latest! We also made a timeline of American History with the starting point being the American Revolution and the Ending Point being the Afghanistan War. We also put in lots of little facts about Civil Rights, inventions, College founding, American Indian laws, etc. This was a little challenging, but once finished, gave us some good insights! Such as the fact that it took us 100 years to start obeying the Civil Rights Laws that were enacting at the end of the Civil War! We also talked about famous American inventors and what they invented; and we also talked about the relationship between the American settlers and the Native Americans, and we learned what the Reservations are, why there were established, and the fact that they still exist baffled the girls!
We also finished the U.S. Consitiution Badge with these requirements, and also our collections and mailing of the donations to the service men counted as a requirement for the Patriotism badge that we also started at the meeting. We learned about the 4 branches of the military and what their duties were, we made little flip books to help us.
We will be taking December off of the Liberty Award and will earn the Gingerbread badge, and the Edible Art badge. I am really looking forward to this! It should be great fun! As I said in the newsletter, I could really use some extra eyes to suppervise, and hands to be in different places at the same time. We will be mixing the ingredients and baking gingerbread men cookies, and building gingerbread houses. I plan on buying a couple of the house kits from Wal-Mart, then having them all build them together. I also ordered, off Oriental Trading, some take home bags that they can decorate with sticker foamies into gingerbread houses, and also foam gingerbread men ornaments to make. I will arrive early and have "stations" set up, then they can move through as groups, once we work together to mix the gingerbread batter, so we can get that baking.
I plan on finishing the Liberty Award at the January meeting; and holding a small Awards Ceremony at the end of the meeting, approximately 4:45! Parents and anyone else that wants to come and invited, the girls have really worked hard to earn this Award, and they deserve the recognition! At the Ceremony I will hand out all the badges that we have earned so far with the Liberty Award, but also the Fairy, Gingerbread, and Edible Art ones, and also for those who have earned Service Hearts, these will be handed out then as well. All homework will need to be turned in no later then the January meeting for me to be able to hand you that badge, and if you are short any of the main badges (Elections, Patriotism, Government, Constitution, History) I can NOT hand you the Liberty Award till it is turned in.
Homework Assignments are:
Otters: (Brylie & Kali) you will need to do the History badge, and make the serviceman booklets. I will give this to Rachel and she will help you. Turn in your work by the January meeting. Hope you had fun at the party!
Dolphins: (Nat, Claire, Jaclyn, Megan) finish filling in your state capitols on your map.
Butterflies: (Emma & Vanessa) 1. finish filling in your state capitols on your map, along with 5 National Parks. 2. A paragraph on what the requirements are to be Presidents, why do you think these are in place, and would you change any?
A change is coming to Frontier Girls!!
During our Elections Badge, the girls voted to have more meetings a month. I proposed to them various ideas of what these meetings could entail, and being the Democracy! that we are, we are adding a second meeting a month starting in January, however, your involvement in this meeting with be varied! The second meeting of the month will be an age level specific meeting!
I will add these dates to the calendar as I tie them down, but our first one will be January 14th, and will be an OTTER meeting, LED BY THE DOLPHINS! This will give the Otters a chance to be the center of attention, and the Dolphins, my middle aged group, the chance to be the leaders! The Dolpins will help the Otters to earn the My Troop Badge and Kindness Badge.
The February Special Meeting will be just for Dolphins.
There will not be a March one, since we will have an outside event, see below.
The April Special Meeting will be just for Butterflies.
There will not be a May one since school will be out!
Horse UpDate
I have talked to Lisa McCrary, and she was really enthusiastic and willing to help us earn the Horse badges. She has agreed to let us spend a Saturday with her family, and her horses and to learn all about them, and even maybe ride them. Kevin has also been in contact with a guy in Eagleville who holds horse day camps for troops to come and learn about horses, go horseback riding, and then watch a horse stunt back riding show at the end. I will keep all updated. I am going to try to plan something for early March so it doesn't interfere with Easter.