HEART HOURS FOR SEPTEMBER ARE SEPTEMBER 16th.. the Legion is having their Pancake Breakfast. Helping with drinks and clean up count towards your hours.
I have been thinking about service hours the past week, and thought I would make a post listing ideas for the girls to do. As I only see some of them once a month, check here for ideas for during each month. I will have an opportunity each month for some time to be earned, but for the girls who do more, here is some more! I would like to see more girls work on a Make A Difference Award this year. If you are interested in earning this award, and would like extra help, please contact me, and I will help you with the details! Keep in mind that parents, grandparents, teachers, and others in the community would love to help you also!
Make A Difference Award Ideas:
- Collect donations & Make "I Care" kits that include toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, combs, etc. for a charity to hand out.
- Collect donations & Make "Birthday in A Box" boxes for charity that include cake mix, icing, candles, paper plates, cups, etc. that is needed for a child's birthday party.
- Host a Safety Seminar for younger children. Seminar ideas are: Halloween, bike safety, water safety, stranger safety, community safety, emergency safety
- Hold a Meeting for the Character Trait of the month at the school to lead them in learning more about that trait, and maybe earn the Frontier Girl badge for it.
- Host a community wide Father/Daughter Dance or a Mother/Daughter Tea to raise money for a specific charity or to raise awareness of an issue important to you.
- Create an Adopt-A-Grandparent program
- Grow a vegetable garden for the needy/food pantry
- Create a website or a blog teaching about an issue/event/idea that is important to you. An example can be found at www.dontwastewaterweneedit.weebly.com that was created by a Dolphin awhile ago.
- Collect donations & create care packages to deployed platoons.
- Hold a Clean Up at a local park, around school, Lake Mozingo, the Nature Trail, around Tri-C area, or other community place.
- Hold an event to create/collect donations to decorate or beautify a classroom, community building, or area around the community. An example may be to hold an event for students to make posters of their favorite books, then help laminate and hang them in the school library.
- Be an assistant coach for a sports team. You will need to lead at least two practices and hold a major role in at least one game.
- Host a movie night, game night, or holiday celebration at a local nursing home.
- Host a Make It night to make stockings for deployed soldiers, catnip toys or fleece blankets for the animal shelter, make holiday decorations for a nursing home or other community place, make tie-dyed shirts for the needy
Remember also, when you are thinking about and planning this award to keep in mind the hours needed to earn the award. Planning, phone calls, gathering supplies, the actual event, clean up, follow up all count in the total time needed. Otters should spend at least 5 hours to complete, Dolphins- at least 10 hours, Butterflies- at least 15 hours for the award. Also, is there a badge that you can earn while completing the award?
Service Heart Hours:
- helping other girls with their Make A Difference Awards counts on your Heart time.
- clean off your bookcase and donate books to a library, clean out a closet and donate items to a charity, clean out your toy box and donate the items to charity/hospital
- make cards for soldiers who are overseas or for patients in hospitals
- make dinner or dessert for a community member who could use something
- clean up leaves, wash windows, shovel snow, clean a gutter, weed a garden, clean up trash for a senior citizen, or disabled person
- help a senior citizen, disable person, or community place decorate for a holiday
- help cook or serve a meal at a homeless shelter or funeral
- Ring the bell for the salvation army during Christmas time
- bake cookies or other treats and take them to the fire or police station
- create a poster for an Awareness Event such as November is Military Family Month, and there is a Be Kind to Animals Week in May
- volunteer or participate in another charity or community event. Examples would be if someone hosts something for National Youth Service Day in April (or create one yourself), if another committee or organization holds an event in the community such as Valentine's Cheer Plates at St. Columba Parish, the 5/6 Grade Basketball Tournament
- Participate in a local event or run for a charity, such as a Relay for Life, Special Olympics, Memorial Day festivities, help with a Vacation Bible School
- support a cause such as participate in a Life Chain, Prayer Event, walk in a parade to raise awareness for a cause such as the animal shelter, pro-life, Don't Text and Drive
- helping at Mass such as when your class does mass, be a server, song leader, alcolight, lector, counts every time you do it. This really adds up especially when you serve once a month!
- help a teacher or grandparent clean up a closet, basement or other area