Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Exciting News For Our Troop!

Exciting News!!!

Emma is the Frontier Girl of the Month for March!!! Go to the Frontier Girls website to see March's Newsletter!

Girl of the Month- Emma Lager

Emma Lager,a 5th grade Dolphin from Troop #146 in Conception Junction, MO is our Girl Of The Month for March. Since becoming a Frontier Girl in September, she has earned 16 badges, and is working on more, has earned three Service Hearts, and found a sponsor for her troop who bought all the tall flags and poles for their team. Emma has been a leading force in getting her troop’s tall flag team up and running.  She has memorized the God Bless the USA routine, and is currently revamping it to add more twirls, and even a toss. She is is also choreographing a new tall flag routine to “Where the Stars and Stripes, and Eagles Fly” which she will start teaching her team this March. Emma has even choreographed how her team will walk in the parades this summer with their flags and with the help of her sister, wrote the Parade badge. She is currently serving as Photographer for her troop, and is always there to help the other leaders whenever necessary as well as helping the younger girls with love and caring, and without just doing things for them. Emma is an enthusiastic recruiter for more girlsto join her troop and does a great job of promoting Frontier Girls and what we stand for. She is currently trying to decide on a A Difference project, but can’t seem to decide between cleaning up the lake, adopting an overgrown flower bed at the local park, helping with story hour at the local library, or organizing a letter writing campaign to President Obama over the HHS mandate for the local kids.  Decisions, decisions….  If I know Emma, whatever does not get done now, will simply be put on the list to do later.  This is one girl lives our motto, “If you see a need, take the lead!”

Nathalie won the February essay contest through Frontier Girls, her essay was published in the Newsletter as well!

Winners of the February Essay Contest are:
Penguin:  no entry
Otter:  Nathalie Lager, Troop 146 
My Favorite Frontier Girl memory is the Christmas party. We made Yule Logs out of chocolate icing and biscuits, the chocolate smelled so good that we couldn’t resist.  Then we did  snow globes we made them  out  of  baby oil, the baby  oil did  not work, so we had to dump it out and we  just used little toy Santa clauses, Christmas  trees, elf’s, water and glitter, ribbon and beads on the side. Then we  made  candles  for special   presents  we  made them out of candles and stickers, the stickers  are beautiful, and  we  had to wrap them with construction paper. Then we made Joy Journals, if we  did not  get them done we had to have homework. It was all fun!  Last we had a relay race to fill our stockings with candy and bouncy balls and stamps. It was so much fun, we did not even care who won. We also learned how to say Merry Christmas in several different languages. Feliz Navidad!

Brylie will be joining our troop this month!

 The March Contest is to take a photograph of your favorite springtime thing and send it in.  The winner from each level will receive $5.  One entry per person.  Please include your name, troop number (or pioneer), level, and mailing address with your submission.