Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Joy Journals

Reminder:  Your Joy Journals will be due at the January 23rd meeting.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tall Flags Routine

Great news! Our Flag Corp will be preforming the Opening Ceremony of the January 31st home basketball game. Here are the assignments: Malia, Emma and Megan will sing the National Anthem; Nathalie is Caller; Jaclyn is Flag Bearer; Vanessa, Remington, Claire & Krysta will be the Guard. 

We will also be preforming the God Bless the USA routine during half-time of the girls game. We will have practice the 3rd and 17th after school until 4pm to prepare; please remember to bring your flags! Please come to the January 3rd meeting knowing in what order the moves are done, as we will spend our time perfecting and timing the routine with the music. The routine is preformed three times on the DVD. Please let me know ASAP if you are having problems viewing your DVD.

You are probably getting tired of hearing this, but I will say (write) it one last time! The girls will need to be dressed in a blue skirt at least knee length with no decor, white socks and shoes, and their red Frontier Girls t-shirts the night of January 31st. We will meet on stage by 5:45 dressed and ready to go.

Our Christmas Party

We had our Christmas party yesterday. We earned the Christmas badge, and the Joy

I read them the Nativity Story from the Bible and we made several pauses
along the way to discuss feelings and sights, and reasons why things happened
that way. 

Then we talked a little about Christmas in other countries, and
learned to say Merry Christmas in Spanish, French, Italian, Choctaw & Chinese. Then we
discussed Joy and what it means. Then we broke into patrols and worked through 4
"stations". At one we decorated candles and wrapped them, they are to give them to
someone who looks like they need a little extra joy this season. The second
station was making Joy Journals, with a page for I am thankful for..; When I am
sad I did.. and it made me feel better; page 3 was numbered to 14 and they are
to make someone smile once a day for 14 days, pages 4&5 were for things that
make us joyful over the next two weeks. I told them either to write, draw a
picture, or cut pictures out of magazines. Station three was making Yule Logs out of
biscuits and chocolate icing, a special treat made in France for Christmas.
Station 4 was making snow globes out of glass jars. Then we cleaned up. 

I had a string hanging on the wall, and clothespins holding plastic treat bags. I (actually Jaclyn did) put a sheet of stickers, and a holiday pencil in each to hold them open, then they had
to race with Hersey Kisses, mini Snickers, small bouncy balls, and stampers balanced on spoons to
fill their stockings. 

We were going to play Christmas songs charades, but we ran
out of time! (Maybe next year!) The bummer is, that I was put in charge of
pictures, and I forgot to take a single one!!! I was so busy watching the girls
have fun!

Congratulations to Megan for earning her 1st Servants Heart!!

Frontier Girls Challenge for the month: To write a thank you note, and properly address it.

We will be putting together a care package for Anthony Henggeler at our January 23rd meeting.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Box Tops and Soup Labels

As per the request of the PTO, we have taken over the task of collecting, snipping, sorting, and mailing in the Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Soup Labels for the school as our yearly service project for our sponsor. We already have a large box overflowing with them! I think the teachers were cleaning out their rooms now that we have a central location in the school to collect the items. The soup labels can be mailed in any time during the year, the Box Tops need to be turned in by the end of February. I will have a movie night at my house on Friday, February 10th. We will watch movies, eat popcorn and cut & count labels! 

Hopefully everyone remembers that we will have three required service projects each year, besides our Heart Award and Make A Difference Award projects. They will be:
  1. For our sponsor, the school: Box Tops and Soup Labels
  2. For our community: Flowers at Park
  3. For our country: sending care packages to servicemen

Each girl is required to help with each of these projects in some way. If you are unable to attend the event, you need to be behind the scenes with planning and mailing.

For our December 19th meeting we still need small glass jars with screw top lids, such as relish, olives, gravy, or preserves, or large baby food jars. We also need broken bits of crayons.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Malia's Make A Difference Award

Malia has started her Make A Difference Award. She has put cards with the new Mass Responses in the pews at St. Columba Parish, she is also working each week to keep the church pews organized . Each week after 10 AM Mass, all those willing to go around and straighten the books and papers will be able to add time to their Service Heart logs for helping her. There should be two Mass Response sheets per section in the pews. There are extra sheets in the decorations supply closet in the back of the church.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 28th Meeting

The girls had a great time at the meeting last night. We earned the Pet Care, and Gentleness badges. Professional dog trainer/breeder Elaine Wallace came and gave us a demonstration with her certified pal Gezel! She taught us what a trained dog is capable of, animal safety, and also talked about animal cruelty. Then we got to see her in action teaching a six month old puppy, GiGi how to sit, and even got her to lay down! She left us presents of coloring books, and a safety booklet that the girls loved so much they were all starting on them before the meeting ended! We talked about what gentleness means, how to show gentleness in different ways, and even read a few verses from the Bible about how God needs us to be gentle with each other, and ways to show gentleness. We also made a poster about the importance of being gentle with animals! We also put together our care package to send to serviceman Todd Mattson who is serving on the USS Washington. We also made thank you cards for Ms. Wallace, and for Grandma Guerin who bought us our Christmas tree, and also purchased the tall flags and flag poles for the girls.

The girls have the homework assignment to be the primary caretaker of a pet for 2 weeks. Also, Dolphins need to write me an essay, or poem about what gentleness means to them, this will be due at the December meeting.

Remington is in charge of bringing snacks to the next meeting.

Congratulations to Claire for earning her first Servant's Heart of the Year!

Congratulations to Emma, Jaclyn & Nathalie for earning their second Service Hearts of the Year!

Business discussed: 

Newsletters now need to be signed by a parent, so that I know they are being read. All girls who bring back their newsletters signed will get a star by their name, girls who earn all their stars will get a special surprise at the camp out.

Christmas Tree: For our December service hours, we will have a Christmas tree display at school to collect hats, gloves, scarves, mittens. Monday, December 5th we will stay after school to set it up. We should be done by 4pm. Then we will all take them to charity on the 22nd, and also take down our tree that day after school.

Needs: We need at least 11 large glass baby food jars with the screw top lids, and also broken, and small pieces of crayons for our December meeting. We will not be having a gift exchange this year, instead we will be making gifts! 

Pancake Breakfast: Our Pancake Breakfast will be held on January 29, 2012.

Serviceman Chris Salinas care package will be put together at the December meeting. Please bring non-perishable snack items, or new hygiene items, or stationary for him.

                 ***Frontier Girl Challenge***

Do at least one of the following:

1. Sort, wash, dry, fold, and put away one load of laundry.

2. Hand wash, dry, and put away a sink of dishes.

3. Empty and load the dishwasher.

4. Clean a toilet.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Frontier Girls Pancake Breakfast

The girls will be having a Pancake Breakfast at the Legion Hall on January 29, 2012. I will give you more details as the time gets closer. We need to arrive by 7AM, and stay till clean-up is done. If you need to leave for Church, that is fine, but it would be best if everyone went to church Saturday night, so that we can stay all morning.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Doing Badges on Your Own

I have the calendar worked, so that this year you will earn several awards, just by attending all the meetings and events. The monthly service projects will earn Otters at least 2 service hearts, and Dolphins at least 1 service heart this school year. 

To complete the Fruit of the Spirit Award this school year, you need to earn the Kindness badge on your own.

To complete the Leadership Award you need to earn the Make A Difference Award, and memorize the Creed.

You will earn the Life Skills Award by completing the Monthly Challenges, and attending the Life Skills Day on June 2nd. 

I really want to encourage those leveling up in August (Claire, Emma, Jaclyn, Krysta, Nathalie & Vanessa) to earn the Make A Difference Award this year. Start thinking about ideas, and I will be handing out planning worksheets at the November meeting. 

I am slowly printing out all the badges and their requirements, starting with the ones that I think the girls would be most interested in, I am currently on my third ink cartridge though.. I will also be handing out a spreadsheet of all the available badges, with the ones we will be doing together marked.

Attending all meetings and events will earn you 30 badges this year. To earn the WOW Award you need to earn between 33-34 badges each school year, so you can see, it is only a few on your own this year. But keep in mind that we will not always be working so hard! Next year I plan to focus on the Liberty Award, and to do a few more of the art, science, and knowledge badges. Though I plan to always to a Character badge at each meeting! I am trying to work the schedule so that we will earn all Awards in a three year cycle, but with so many of the girls leveling up this first year, I am pushing us. I hope this doesn't drive too many of you away!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Campfire Jamboree

The Campfire Jamboree was a huge success, even with wet sticks, complete darkness, and car batteries dying! The weather was mild and sunny, and the fall leaves were a perfect background!

The girls started the night by filling two garbage sacks with trash that was around our campsite, and down the trail to the lake, and along the small beach area at our site. Then we had our opening Flag Ceremony lead by the Yellow Banana Monsters, and the other girls checked their jobs. Then they all helped gather wood for our campfire.

A wonderful local Boy Scout, named Jed, attended and taught the girls fire safety, and how to build a campfire, the girls can't wait to try on their own at our next camp out!  The girls then rewarded Jed with earning the Outdoor Cooking badge and feeding him a feast of a dinner that included beans and wieners, hobo soup, pudding, and roasted apples, with hot chocolate to drink. FYI to all the Pampered Chef lovers out there.. the big stock pot holds up to campfire cooking! No scorch marks or melting to the handles!

Our leader in training, Megan, led us in learning several Frontier Girls songs such as, I Points to Myself, I'm a Little Pile of  Tin, 3 Chartrusse Buzzards, and Down By The Banks. 

We ended the night with a discussion of the Make A Difference Award, and passed around a few ideas on how to earn it.

Reminder: Please bring an item for our Care Package for our serviceman, Todd Mattson to our November 28th meeting.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

American Legion Post 464 Banquet

Last night we had the honor of helping our local Legion Post 464 host a banquet for National Commander Fang A. Wong. All the girls did a great job, and we received many comments about how well behaved, and helpful the girls were, and many inquires were made into the Frontier Girls program. Below is a picture of Director Wong thanking the girls for their help. He made everyone laugh by saying that the girls were so attentive, he was afraid to say no to a refill!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Etiquette Badge

At our October meeting we had a very fancy tea party with a real silver tea set, linen napkins, and beautiful tablecloths. We learned how to sit like proper ladies, table manners, party manners, phone manners, audience manners, and we did it all in our pajamas and slippers! From properly buttering bread, to what happens when you need to burp was covered.

Then we had a candle lighting Investiture Ceremony, where we all lined up colored candles that represent a part of the Frontier Girl Creed. We each represented a piece and lit the candle. Then we took oaths promising to be faithful and true to the Troop, and to our Leadership positions.

Congratulations to Emma, Vanessa, Nathalie & Jaclyn for earning thier first service hearts!!

**Frontier Girl Challenge: To help with dinner. Help prepare one dish of the meal (salad counts), help set the table, pour drinks, and clean up. Be sure to practice your manners that we learned!**

Upcoming Events:

The Legion Post Banquet: Monday, November 7, 2011 from 5:30- 7:30. We have been asked to serve drinks at a banquet that our local Legion is hosting for the area, where National representatives will be present. This is a great honor for us! They could have asked the high school FFA or Honor Society, but they asked us! Let's serve our community proudly! Remember to log your hours on your service heart hours sheet!

Frontier Girl Campfire Jamboree:  Saturday, November 12, 2011 from 4-8pm at the Mozingo Lake tent camping area. Everyone needs to bring a can of soup to make Hobo Soup. Local Boy Scouts will be leading the girls in the Fire Safety badge, and we will be earning the Outdoor Cooking badge as well. Plus lots of great campfire songs!

Upcoming Meetings:

Flag Corp Practice:  November 8, 2011 after school from 3:15-4pm. This is an additional program that Frontier Girls, and local Pioneer Girls can join. We will be preforming professional flag ceremonies, and tall flag routines to songs such as Proud to Be An American.

November 28, 2011 Frontier Girl Meeting:  We will be earning the Pet Care badge with a presentation from a local dog breeder, Elaine Wallace. We will also be earning the Gentleness badge. Remember to bring something to send to our first Service Member Care Package. We will be preparing a box for Todd Mattson who is currently stationed on the USS George Washington.

Monday, October 3, 2011

BAKE SALE & New Upcoming Events

Thank you to all who donated baked goods, and helped to run our bake sale, this past Sunday. We sold all that we brought, and earned $65. The girls now have $92.12 in their checking account. This should be enough to get us through our meetings and pay for a few small outings. Thank you also to all of you who helped serve drinks at the breakfast.

The Walking Track and Park Committee was able to meet their matching grant goal! This is the committee that gives us money for our flowers we plant at the park. We have also been given a second flower bed! I am so proud of all of you for taking care of our flowers this summer. Every time I see them blooming so pretty, I know you all have been doing your part!

The Legion will be having a meeting sometimes this week. They will be discussing putting us on the Pancake Breakfast schedule for January. They are hosting a banquet for the National Legion Post Master, on Monday, November 7 from 5-8:30. The Frontier Girls were asked to serve drinks at this event. This is an honor, and I hope that all of you can come and help out. The hours will count towards your Servants Heart Award. They were also excited to learn that we are forming a Flag Corp. They are willing to help us, and to allow us to help them at flag events in the community.

Flag Corp practice will begin Tuesday, Nov. 8. And will continue to be the first Tuesday of the month, after school until 4pm. Please note this is a change from the newsletter that was sent home last week.

We have also planned a Campfire Jamboree for Saturday, November 12, from 4-8pm at the Mozingo Lake tent camping sites. A couple of local Boy Scouts will be leading the girls in earning the Fire Safety badge, and we will also earn the Outdoor Cooking badge, and learn some great Frontier Girl Songs!

I have also been discussing the t-shirts and uniforms with several moms. It has been proposed that we have professional screened t-shirts made from my template, and then order the vests in January after the pancake breakfast. I have price checked from a place in Bethany, that will charge $9 per shirt including the price of the shirt. I will also check with The Student Body in Maryville. So if you have not ordered your uniforms, you may hold off until further notice.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Our First Meeting Notes

At our First meeting we had a formal flag ceremony in which Emma was the caller, and Vanessa was the color guard, from now on, this will be preformed by a Patrol, so that every girl has a chance to participate. We found a smaller practice flag so there is no unfolding/folding, for a shorter ceremony. We also said the Pledge of Allegiance and the Frontier Girls Promise to the flag.

We also talked about Leadership, and we all chose positions in the troop. The 2011/2012 Leaders are:

Leader in TrainingMegan; the leader in training is the time keeper, song leader, and challenge announcer. She is also my assistant when I need things done(copies, etc), and must be present at all meetings.

ScribeVanessa; the Scribe is responsible for taking attendance, and logging hours and badges that were earned by everyone between meeting. The Scribe also takes notes during business discussions.

Snack CoordinatorJaclyn; the snack coordinator is in charge of making and keeping the snack rotation list, and to make reminder calls before the next meeting.

TreasurerKrysta; Responsible for announcing the current finances of the troop at leader meetings, logging in all donations, payments; and keeping track of money during fundraisers, and making sure the money is counted and ready for deposit.

Care CoordinatorRemington; is responsible for praying for the troop and its members at least once a week, leads prayers during meetings, and makes sure we have all thank you, sympathy, congrat cards, and the mailing of them.

Photographer - Emma; second Claire; The photographer is responsible for taking pictures at all meetings and events, and the second helps when the main is absent, or during larger events, so that all are photographed. They are also responsible for the troop scrapbook.

ReporterMalia; is responsible for typing the troop newsletter, and eventually posting on the blog. She is also responsible for sending photos and write-ups to the media, and make sure all papers make it to their folders!

Patrol Leaders:  We have 4 Patrols in our troop to take care of the chores that need doing during meetings and events. Our Patrols are:

Maggie leads The Yellow Banana Monsters, and has Emma and Remington on her team.

Nathalie leads The Purple Grapes, and has Megan and Lori on her team.

Claire leads The Righteous Red Bloods, and has Jaclyn and Malia on her team.

Hope leads The Brave Brown Badgers and has Krysta and Vanessa on her team.

We played balloon panic in which their best score was 9. We also played Iceberg, they were very inventive, and were able to fold the sheet seven times!

We talked about Frontier Girls and made posters of the Motto, Promise & Creed to help us learn them.

We also planned our Investiture Ceremony which will be held on October 24 at 4:30pm.

We also talked about Fundraisers and Service Heart hours. Some upcoming heart hour opportunities will be:

The Walking Track Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, Oct. 2nd from 7am till 12pm. Whichever hours you can work will count! We will also be having a Bake Sale at this event. Please donate 3-4 items; even if you are not logging hours.

There is also the Life Chain from 2-3pm that afternoon.

 Oct. 15 from 12-4 we will be walking the dogs and playing with the cats at the Humane Society.

Remember that any other volunteer time to your church, school events, or the Teen Center, or with your family counts also. Only logged hours with a parental initial will be accepted.

We also talked about the Flag Corp, almost all the girls were interested in joining. Please talk with your girls more about this. This will be professional flag ceremonies during events such as ball games at the school, parades, and flag events. Moves will be in military style, therefore we will have practices the first Monday of each month till 4pm starting Nov 7th. They will need a note to stay after.

The Tall Flag Team will be discussed further in the spring.

Another announcement that was made, was that I am expecting each of the girls to earn at least one badge on their own during the school year. Most of them went home with the requirements to earn a sports badge. This can be earned multiple times to specific sports; for example you can earn the soccer badge, and the basketball badge with these requirements, just change to the specific sport in question.

This months Life Skills Challenge: To get yourself ready for school on your own. Dressed with shoes on right feet & tied, hair brushed, teeth brushed, bed made, backpack packed, breakfast dishes put away. Dolphins should also prepare their own breakfast, remember that toast and cereal count! If you have to be reminded to do something, then try again the next morning! I will be asking parents and caretakers if you accomplished this! (You only have to do it completely on your own once to get it!)

Our next meeting will be held October 24 from 3:15pm till 5:00pm in the school multi-purpose room, we will be earning the Etiquette badge. Remember that your daughter will need a note to be able to stay after, and please come early, 4:30 for the Investiture Ceremony!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Who we are..

Frontier Girls is a scouting organization that was established in 2007 by Kerry Cordy, as an alternative to the Girl Scouts. Frontier Girls takes girls back to the original intent of scouting, and focuses on building character, community service, and patriotism. We are troop #146 located in NW Missouri. We began in September of 2011, and are 10 girls strong.

Frontier Girls Motto
If you see a need, take the lead!

Frontier Girls Promise
I promise to love God,
Be loyal to my country,
and to love my neighbor as myself.

Frontier Girls Creed
As a Frontier Girl
I will be Loving, treating others as I would like to be treated.
I will be Joyful, finding the blessings in every situation.
I will be Peaceful, respecting others opinions and beliefs.
I will be Patient, persevering toward my goals despite obstacles.
I will be Kind, respectful to all and willing to help others at all times.
I will be Good, pure in all I do, think, and say.
I will be Faithful to my God and loyal to my family, friends, and country.
I will be Gentle, taking special care of those weaker or less fortunate than I.
I will have Self-Control, using my time, materials, and talents wisely, and being accountable for my own actions.

If this sounds like what you have been looking for.. explore the links below, and join us!